
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2019

My favourite film

Hello everyone, today I will talk about one of my favorite movies ... First of all, I must say that I am a movie lover, because of this it was difficult for me to choose a favorite movie, but among so many movies to choose from, I decided on matrix.  Matrix is ​​a science fiction movie, set in the future and that deals with the extinction of humanity at the hands of machines, specifically, artificial intelligence. Considering that it is a 1999 movie, I liked it too much due to the high quality of the special effects and also that the characters practiced kung fu. In this movie, one of my favorite actors acts, his name is keanu reeves and thanks to this movie, he became very famous and is currently one of the most beloved actors in the film universe. Finally, I must tell you that this film made a trilogy, which is matrix, matrix reloaded and matrix revolutions. Honestly, it's a movie that I recommend, so if you haven't seen it, don't wait any longer ...

Getting to know each other

Hello everyone, today I will talk a little about my life, I hope you like it ... My name is Juan Carlos, I was born in 1991 in Puente Alto, I am 27 years old and I am the only child of my parents. Since I was a child I have liked sports, especially football. My father taught me to play and since then I have made many friends. Regarding my studies, I studied at the Liceo Rosa Tocornal in Puente Alto, and then I went to university, however, my time at the university has been somewhat strange, since I first went to study chemistry pedagogy at the metropolitan university of education sciences, then I switched to the Catholic University to study chemistry and pharmacy, and currently, I am studying chemistry and pharmacy at the University of Chile. I have a wonderful son, his name is Santiago and he is a very cheerful and playful child, I must say that he is my greatest happiness.